Statement on the International Day of Persons with Disabilities

"Who protects the rights of persons with disabilities during the worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic crisis?"   On December 3rd, the world celebrates the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, and the World Health Organization…

CHRDA, Libya Platform & CIHRS : Human Rights Briefing (June – October 2020)

"Political negotiations success should be measured against radical improvements in the human sector". "Political negotiations success should be measured against radical improvements in the human sector" Daily bombardments of Libya's capital…

An open letter to UN & UNSML on allegations of bribery at the Libyan Political Dialogue Forum

Sunday 22 November 2020 Libyan Human Rights Organizations An open letter directed to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, The United Nations Support Mission in Libya, And the Acting Libyan Attorney General On allegations of bribery…

CHRDA & libyan civil organizations: Road Traffic Competing with Security Chaos in Claiming Lives

Despite being a country with a population of less than 7 million people, and an area of ​​more than 1.7 million square kilometers, Libya ranks first in the world in the number of road accident deaths with regard to its population.  Road Traffic has started to compete with political and security crises in the daily death toll.

DCHRA & 4 HR ORGANIZATIONS: Libya must end systematic impunity and investigate the killing of lawyer and political activist Hanan al-Barassi

The undersigned human rights groups are appalled by the assassination of lawyer and political activist Hanan al-Barassi in Benghazi on 10 November 2020, and call on the competent authorities to launch an independent, impartial and effective…

First Quarterly Report on the Human Rights Situation in Libya (July- September 2020)

First Quarterly Report on the Human Rights Situation in Libya (July- September 2020) Defender Center 30/10/ Preface During the period from July to September 2020, Libya did not witness any positive developments in terms of respecting and…

Libya Platform present an updated Libya Roadmap for Human Rights Reform and Restoring the Rule of Law

The Libya Platform coalition present an updated Libya Roadmap for Human Rights Reform and Restoring the Rule of Law The Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies (CIHRS) and the organizations of the Libya Platform coalition present an updated…

Report : CHRDA condemns the suppression of peaceful demonstrations in Libya

The Defender Center for Human Rights condemns the suppression of peaceful demonstrations in Libya and calls on the Libyan authorities to respect the rights to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly and prevention of enforced disappearances Paris…

Libya:  National authorities and international community must urgently protect demonstrators and freedom of expression in Libya

CIHRS and the Libya Platform Libya:  National authorities and international community must urgently protect demonstrators and freedom of expression in Libya Repressing fundamental freedoms will only serve to reinforce crisis of legitimacy…

Libya: Photojournalist Ismail Al-Zoui sentenced to 15 years of prison after unfair Trial

Counterterrorism legislation must not be used to silence dissenting voices  The sentencing of photojournalist and activist Ismail Bouzriba Al-Zoui to 15 years in prison by a military court in Benghazi in May 2020 is strongly condemned by the…

CHRDA and 27 Libyan organizations : A statement regarding the inspection of personal devices at security checkpoints in Libya

A statement regarding the inspection of personal devices at security checkpoints in  Libya Inspection of personal devices at security checkpoints in Libya is a flagrant violation of human rights  A new act has spread in Libya during…

Libya: MEPs demand a thorough investigation into the abduction of Siham Sergiwa

Statement by leading MEPs on EU-Libya relations to mark one year since the abduction of Libyan parliamentarian Siham Sergiwa. “Today marks one year since the abduction of Ms Siham Sergiwa, a member of the Libyan House of Representatives…